TOMORROW! is a devised theatrical work exploring what it means to be alive and young at this point in history. The show capitalizes on a generation’s shared nostalgia for our parents´ and grandparents´ generations in order to awaken people to the realities of our current situation. What can we learn from our grandparents and what should we have learned from our parents?
a devised play by Ashley Hollingshead
I worked with a small ensemble of actors to create a range of music to accompany the mixtape of songs that were chosen by the creators. Inspiration came from the ensemble’s materials: science fiction novels, mid-century TV ads, and the shared personal stories of the cast. Musically, I worked with a palette akin to The National, ABADABAD, and other indie rock heavies.
“Not to be overlooked are whiz-kid composer Kyle Acheson’s musical contributions. Though he doesn’t perform his works live as he did in Fertile Ground’s “The Waterman”, his recorded pieces are credible enough to blend into a mixtape alongside David Byrne and The Pixies.”