A steamy hookup is interrupted by… well, you can guess. After hitting the bodega for tampons, the fella wanders through the city night, starting an impromptu parade as he returns home.
A Film by Patricia Colmenero
A very Wim Wenders moment where strangers all get together for an impromptu musical parade sequence.
Director Patricia Colmenero grew up in Brazil and has a love for Brazilian music. In Period, she wanted to weave the essence of capoeira roda music, a traditional group style featuring several unique instruments like the berimbau, into the score.
I connected with berimbau players Ana Costa (right) and Solomon Nadaf and trumpeter Nate McManus to create the joyful, uplifting sound of the parade.
Additionally, I traveled to a capoeira retreat in upstate New York with all my gear and recorded several hours of live roda music, further guiding my ear and enriching my knowledge of this beautiful tradition.
Ana Costa of Capoeira Angola BKLYN playing the berimbau.